Owner: Tatiyanna Shirley

Ardentley is a body-safe toy distributor & sexual wellness blog providing a digestible approach in the discovery of identity, wellness, consent, and sexuality. Ardentley is a body-safe toy distributor but firstly a sexual wellness company providing a digestible approach on expanding and informing the discovery within identity, wellness, consent, and sexuality. To be Ardent is to be passionate. This word creates confidence, and everyone deserves to feel comfortable within their own skin, all while feeling safe in the explorative journey of their sexual enlightenment. There are so many layers to understanding who we are and what brings us pleasure. When we simplify the needs of people we all want to be understood; may it be understanding yourself or being understood by someone else. Tapping into sexual topics will allow for a safer, more pleasurable, and better-informed society. Having passion within the discovery of one’s pleasure is what Ardentley is all about and we look forward to the topics and toys we can all dive into.