Owners: Kassandra Mita & Veronica Kamkwalala

The foundation of FEEL Body Butter was inspired by a homemade recipe to treat childhood eczema. Determined to find natural solutions to strengthen the benefits of her body butter, Kassandra Mita adjusted the family recipe to incorporate healing ingredients like Vitamin C and Vitamin E oil. And after years of research and reimagined recipes, FEEL Body Butter was created.

It’s our mission at FEEL to address typical skincare concerns that commonly (but not exclusively) affect Black and Brown communities. We are honing in on an opportunity to bring clean and sustainable whipped Nigerian shea butter to the U.S. and eventually the global market to offer an all-natural alternative to traditional, toxic skincare products. We are dedicated to giving you the very best body butter, and our focus is on your self improvement, natural healing, and overall mind//body wellness.