Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Applicant InformationPlease provide us with the best and most frequently checked contact information, we will use this to keep you informed on Festival info!Name *Phone *Email *Business InformationWe want to learn about the businesses we will be hosting at the fest, share some details so we get to know your brand!Business Name *FacebookInstagramTell us about your Business *Product Photos and/or Vendor Set Up Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Please add photos of the products you will be selling and if you have a photo of your set up please add that as well! These photos will also be used for advertising on social channels. If you have trouble uploading photos, please email them to themoderngreenbook@gmail.comVending InformationPlease fill out this information to the best of your abilities, we must have this to approve your application.Type of Vendor *Retail - $100NonProfit - $75Food & Beverage Booth - $150Food & Beverage Truck or Trailer - $150Corporate Vendor - $200Your vendor fee or vendor fee deposit is DUE UPON RECEIPT. All unpaid vendor fees will be added to the waitlist and will not receive priority spaces. Booth Space (Tent Vendors Only) *10x10 (standard tent size)10x15 (standard+half - $50 extra)10x20 (standardx2 - $75 extra)I am in a food truck or trailerExtra itemsChairs (2) - $0Table (1-6ft) - $15Tent (1-10x10) - $75These are on a first-come, first-served basis and must be reserved by August 1 - all items will be set in you booth spaceIf a food vendor, do you have the proper permits *Yes, with Jefferson CountyNo, I need info for a temporary permitthis does not apply to my businessHow big is your Food Trucks or Trailers & What side is your serving window on?Were a Vendor at a Previous MGB Culture & Community Fest? *YesNoReturning vendors will receive a 7% discount. Is Your Business Listed with TheMGB? *YesNot interested This yearPlease Tell me More!Any Additional information Agreement *I AgreeBy clicking "I agree" above you are agreeing to our vendor guidelines and expectations, you can read those on the TheMGB Culture & Community Fest page on ( or on the MGB Culture and Community Fest IG Page link in bio Submit