submit your business

Use the form below to submit your business for consideration in The Modern Green Book. 

Already have a profile? Click here to suggest an update.


If you are not the founder/owner, partner, or PR/Marketing, please stop and go to the contact form to make a recommendation.
Please list anyone who is in a position to makes changes for Organization or Business if other than yourself
Choose up to 3 ONLY
Please choose a title for profile.
Separate by commas if multiple.
Please put direct email to Owner/Founder or PR. This is for TheMGB use only and will not be displayed on profile.
For BRICK & MORTARS ONLY. Please do not include any personal address or PO Box.
This will be displayed on profile. Do not include if email is not monitored.
This will be displayed on profile. DO Not Include a personal number.
Ex: Page Name
Ex: handle
GoFundMe, Crowd Funding, Cashapp, Venmo, Direct Donation URL. DO NOT include if your business is not a nonprofit organization
Linkedin, Pinterest, Etsy, Spotify, Youtube etc
140 characters max. This will be displayed on browse page.
250 words max. This will be displayed on profile.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
You can have up to 5 photos for your listing, we recommend, 1 logo or headshot for your featured photo and 4 additional photos for the listing